CDC Removes Crawling as a Milestone and Why this Makes Me Want to Scream

Last year the CDC removed a milestone from childhood development – which quite honestly makes me want to scream. Crawling is a very key step in brain development. You want your child to crawl. This milestone is critical in developing the brain functions necessary for fluent reading, writing, focus, and emotional regulation. Below are just…

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How Crawling Can Prevent Learning Disabilities & ADHD

Crawling is a critical step in an infant’s brain development. Skipping crawling or not crawling for long enough can impact various cognitive processes. This can range from being unable to sit up straight, not holding a pencil correctly, hyperactivity and fidgeting and even dyslexia and learning disabilities. Education professors, O’Dell and Cook at the University…

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The Surprising Link Between Crawling, Core Muscles & Reading Difficulties

The Myth of Practice-Makes-Perfect When Sheila came to see me, seeking reading therapy for her son, Kyle, she was skeptical when she learned that reading therapy was not the traditional tutoring she had imagined. It’s normal for parents to think their child just needs more one-on-one practice. For many of us ‘practice-makes-perfect’ is the only…

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