Integrated Listening Systems Therapy for ADHD, Autism Spectrum and Improved Learning

iLs is a brain stimulation intervention that is based on the fact that we can change our brain – we can essentially re-wire it through specific and repeated stimulation, a concept known as neuroplasticity. As in building strength and endurance with physical exercise, we are able to build neurological pathways and synaptic activity at any…

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Reading Comprehension Difficulties? A Weak Working Memory Could Be the Culprit

In my last article, I wrote about how poor working memory affects learning disabilities. Poor working memory can have a significant impact on the ability to decode and comprehend written text. Up to 70% of students with learning disabilities in reading score ‘very low’ on working memory. Working memory can be compared to a video…

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Improve Learning with Integrated Listening Systems

Often, our educational interventions are putting a roof on a weak foundation.  The acquisition of reading, writing, math and other academic skills is dependent upon a normally-developed nervous system. Communication between the brain’s two hemispheres and integration of sensory input from the eyes, ears and motor systems must be intact for adequate response to intervention…

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