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The #1 Easy Way to Get the Kids Eating Healthier


If you want to improve your child’s learning and behaviour with food, you need to know HOW to make healthy eating work so you can stick with it.

The first place to start with healthy eating is Baby Steps.

Too much change too fast is overwhelming and sets you up for failure.

Start With ONE Meal

Start with ONE meal.

If you try to improve all of your meals at the same time – you’re going to want to throw in the towel.

What meal does your child eat that has the worst amount of carbs and sugar and least amount of protein and fat?

Breakfast Can Make or Break a Kids Day

For most families breakfast is the highest in sugary, carbs and lowest in protein and fats.
… and your kiddo needs protein and fats to power up their brain in the morning.
Protein and fats helps to stabilize their blood sugar and nourish their brains.
Stable blood sugar means better focus, learning and emotional regulation.
Here are a few breakfast ideas for kids:
  • Smoothies with protein powder and MCT oil.
  • Egg muffins
  • Sausage and veggies
  • Oatmeal with nuts, seeds, berries and butter or MCT oil.
See how easy that was?
One meal at a time.
Master that for a few weeks before you change anything else.
What change can you do first?
Want to learn more about our brain changing programs? Book a free Clarity Call.
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