CDC Removes Crawling as a Milestone and Why this Makes Me Want to Scream

Last year the CDC removed a milestone from childhood development – which quite honestly makes me want to scream. Crawling is a very key step in brain development. You want your child to crawl. This milestone is critical in developing the brain functions necessary for fluent reading, writing, focus, and emotional regulation. Below are just…

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How Gut Bacteria Influences Learning Ability & Focus

If your child struggles with learning or behaviour, we have to talk gut health. You’ve likely heard your second brain is your gut.  There are 100 billion neurons in the gut. Many of your child’s neurotransmitters needed for learning, focus and emotional regulation are manufactured by the gut bacteria. The antibiotics, digestive issues, eczema, allergies…

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Poor Organization, Planning – Executive Function? It Could be Related to a Weak Left Brain

When your child has a learning disability, it’s often because they have a weak left brain. This weak left brain not only affects academics. It affects executive function. Executive Function Affects: Organization Planning and strategy  Focus and attention Multi-tasking Impulse control Memory  …and some of these processes related to executive function are very much a…

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