The Shortcut to Learning & Behaviour Difficulties – Faster Learning with the Brain-Body Approach

Your child does not have a bad brain or bad body. They simply may not be able to learn, focus or thrive because their brain is ‘untrained’ or they require targeted brain nutrients to better support brain function. No two children are the same: each brain and body is unique in terms of how it processes everything from food to information. Children today are struggling like never before with learning, mood and physical health.

Targeted nutrition and learning therapies are the starting point in transforming many of the common childhood disorders and conditions that are rising in epidemic proportions among children today. Learn more about how learning and behaviour challenges can be transformed with a brain-body approach. Below you can learn more about a whole-brain approach to improving brain health and development!

The Brain-Body Approach

Supporting your child’s optimal health and nurturing their full potential starts with addressing the root causes (there is almost always more than one!) A brain-body approach is based on the most recent knowledge and research in functional medicine. The brain-body approach looks beyond the limitations of labels and singular, one-size-fits-all therapies. Instead an individualized approach which integrates various therapies and interventions helps parents to achieve real solutions in nurturing their child’s full potential.

A Brain-Body approach targets the challenges your child is facing through two avenues:

  1. Nutrition ““ Supporting the brain with the correct nutrition to increase brain plasticity so that your child can better learn, process, focus and be more calm.

2. Neuroplastic Learning Therapies ““ Re-training the brain through learning therapies that focus on changing the brain. These learning therapies such as Cellfield and iLs are based on the latest research in neuroplastic learning. Neuroplastic learning are interventions that change the way the brain processes and stores information for improved learning.

Success ““ It’s not the Brain you Have”“it’s the Brain You Create

If your child struggles in school, his or her brain may not have developed the necessary skills that is required for effective learning. Your child does not have a bad brain that is unfixable. If your child has a difficult time learning, it means your child’s brain is untrained in the skills that are necessary to be successful in and outside of the classroom.

Something as simple as missing a crucial developmental milestone or lacking one or several key nutrients can make all the difference in their ability to process, memorize and learn. Memory, listening skills, visual and auditory processing, attention, logic and reasoning are all skills that can be acquired with the correct learning therapy”“and nutrition. When these skills are properly developed”“your child can thrive both in school and in life.

Remediation Re-Enforces Bad Brain Connections

The problem with many reading and learning programs is that they do not address or resolve the underlying reasons for poor processing in the brain. Traditional remedial learning and reading methods simply teach around issues and create strategies to manage a disorder rather than correcting the source of the problem. Unfortunately, remedial programs may at times cause more damage by re-enforcing “˜faulty’ connections.

The answer to improving your child’s abilities is not always “˜more practice’. Certainly practice makes perfect when the right connections are in place. Rigorous, rote learning may not only strengthen the wrong connections but it often leads to mental exhaustion, lack of motivation and even potential failure. When the right connections are in place learning takes place more naturally and confidence and motivation soars.