Success Stories

Success Reading

Since Steve completed the Cellfield program our whole family’s dynamics have changed including Steve’s outlook on learning. Going to school and any school related work was always a battle and we fought every morning and every evening–it was exhausting. Within 3 days of the Phase I Cellfield sessions we started seeing a difference. For the first time in 5 years he did not argue about going to school. I WAS SHOCKED. From that day on it was just up hill.   


Ontario, Canada

Since working with Lorraine, my son has experienced a major reduction in his Asperger’s symptoms as well as relief from arthritis. He is less volatile and more happy. The biggest change is his self-confidence and his motivation to do more in general. He started his first part-time job and is over the moon that he is at the same level as his peers which we didn’t think was ever possible given his lack of focus and maturity. He is truly thriving as is our whole family as we have all learned that we have the power to change.


Lead Developer, Automattic Inc

She feels more confident because she can now read instructions and the best thing for us is that she has now found an author that she likes and has asked for these books to be included in her Christmas presents. Something that would have never occurred in the past. She is committed to keeping up her reading in the school holidays because she wants to begin next year as she finished this year – on a high

Adele's Parents

Ontario, Canada

Ben has shown a greater willingness to read and reads longer before he makes a mistake and is more fluent. He is showing more expression when he reads and greater interest in what he reads. Ben will now pick up any reading material without being asked and have a go. Ben appears to enjoy reading more and has become more confident in his speech.

Ben's Mother

Ontario, Canada

My son was 11 years old and was totally unable to read. He did the Cellfield Reading Intervention and within three months moved up 15 reading levels. He is more confident at home and school. Homework battles have ended. Thank you Lorraine for changing my son’s life.


Ontario, Canada

Mike’s self-esteem and belief have lifted, he no longer considers himself stupid and he is feeling more socially competent and happy.


Ontario, Canada