‘Your Best Body Weight Loss’ – An Eating Psychology Program to End Emotional Eating & Food Addiction

Your Best Body Weight-Loss – A Program to End Emotional Eating & Food Addiction


If you’re done with yoyo-dieting, diet shame and the restrict-binge cycle then you have arrived at the correct place. Your Best Body Weight-Loss is a program that is about sane and sustainable weight-loss. It is based on the science of how our habits influence our brain and eating behaviour as well as how the food we eat affects our biology and brain.


I described in a previous post how  True to Yourself Eating is different from dieting because it’s all about YOU. Your Best Body Weight-Loss combines the best aspects of mindfulness-based eating with the science of bio-individual nutrition. Addressing emotional eating and self-sabotage is important, but will only take you so far. Your Best Body Weight-Loss program assists you in co-creating meal plans that are unique to your body type and lifestyle, trouble-shooting based on challenges and triggers that are unique to your life and helps you to find time for meal prep and self-care.


By combining the principles of eating psychology with practical lifestyle changes, you can expect to transform your relationship to food and achieve your best body by:

  • Free yourself from overeating and cravings by getting to the root of dysfunctional eating.
  • Learn the psychology of willpower and how to keep it topped up by cultivating skill power
  • Burn more calories and increase energy and motivation by healing an injured metabolism with food therapy.
  • Learn to make effortless food choices by understanding the neuro-addictive properties of food and how it affects the body’s ability to regulate appetite and cravings.


*No weigh-ins, no calorie counting, no shaming!

Below is a description of what the program will cover as well as the different topics that are covered in each module. 


End YO-YO dieting and heal your relationship to food:


♥ Address the root cause of weight gain by examining your relationship to food and eating. Look at the why, how and when we eat, not just what we are eating


♥ Learn about the neuro-psychology of certain foods and eating, how they affect your body’s ability to regulate appetite and cravings, the addictive and therapeutic properties of specific foods.


♥ Overcome your emotional triggers, dysfunctional habits and the reasons why you self-sabotage.


♥ Design an individualized eating plan that is based on your needs, your body-type, your preferences and your intentions.


♥ Increase metabolism by turning off your F.A.T. Programs and tapping into your sub-conscious!


♥ Uncover what is absent from your life or what unfulfilled dreams are fueling the dysfunctional behaviours and thoughts. Learn to fill up on LIFE not food.


♥ Accomplish weight loss without restriction and deprivation. Willpower is finite. Learn self-love and skill power.


♥ Practice and improve strategies that foster healthy habits, instead of creating restrictions by layering new tools one week at a time.


What You Get:


It includes:

  • 1 initial 90 minute assessment, goal setting and planning session
  • 7 additional 60 minute sessions over a six month period
  • 1 free copy of my book True to Yourself Eating: A Program in Learning How to Achieve Your Best Body valued at $24.95
  • 1 complimentary cookbook valued at $30
  • Meal planning with recipes and substitutions
  • Your Best Body toolkit which includes dry erase weekly menu planning chart, printable grocery store lists, Hunger Scale Chart & Diffuse the Craving Escape Plan
  • Facebook Support Group


Plus 3 Bonuses:

  • Sugar Intervention Manual valued at $44.00
  • Nutritional deficiency assessment valued at $30.00
  • Body system assessment to determine what organs (like thyroid and adrenals) require nutritional support to move you further along your weight-winning journey (valued at $15.00)

The Breakdown:


Your Best Body & Brain Weight-Loss program is a 6 month journey that has been carefully constructed into several phases which will allow you to layer new information, habits and strategies into your life. The phases are exploration, connection, application, reflection, troubleshooting and continuity.


Module 1““ “˜It’s not You: It’s the Diet’ ““ Why Diets Don’t Work, BUT what they teach YOU. Failed Diets and Mindfulness – Uncover what lessons and insights lie in your past ‘failed’ diets.


Lifestyle re-alignment – Transcend excusesSet healthy intentions, address main challenges and strategize. Learn what habits and routines set you up for success.


Module 2 ““ Meal Planning that’s All About YOUFind YOUR True North – Instead of following someone else’s program–create your own individualized eating plan and style based on YOUR goals, YOUR needs, YOUR preferences, and YOUR body type.


Biochemistry and Bio-individual Nutrition – The fallacy of counting calories, resetting your metabolism, determining your body type & metabolic type so you can discover the optimal eating plan and food for YOUR health.


Module 3 – Mindful Eating ““ It’s in the Research: Mindfulness Beats Diets Every TimeThe Science of MindfulnessLearn about the psycho-biology of mindfulness, its effect on metabolism, the 6 pillars of True to Yourself Eating and how to diffuse cravings. Bring awareness into all aspects of your relationship to food.


Module 4 ““ What is Your Relationship to Food & Eating? – Learn the associations you hold with specific foods and how they began. Uncover your trigger situations and foods. Discover how you unconsciously use food in your life to manage emotions, stress and transitions.


Self-sabotage – Examine the various ways that we self-sabotage our eating and other positive changes in our life.


Module 5 ““ Healing the Mind-Body Disconnect  ““ The Link Between your Thoughts, Beliefs and Biology – Body scanning, training your mind to tune into hunger, satiety and cravings–and to know the difference between the three.


Neuroplasticity and Weight-Loss – Reset your brain and rescue it from famine mode so you can increase metabolism and moderate appetite.


Module 6 ““ Skillpower not Willpower – Cravings and Emotional Eating ““  Relapse RecoveryThe Neuroscience and Psychology behind Willpower – Learn the truth about willpower, how to keep it topped up and how skill power is a game changer.


Developing Emergency Action Plan – Examine and reflect on what works and what doesn’t. Foster a support system and learn how to stay on track with eating during stress and crisis.


Module 7 ““ Food TherapyTherapeutic Food – Foods that increase energy, stabilize blood sugar, curb cravings and heal metabolism.


Allergenic Food ““ The food you crave most could be allergenic AND the reason you can’t control your appetite. Examining individual food allergies.


Addictive Food – Food engineers are hired by corporations to hijack your palate and your brain. Learn what food has an opiate effect on the brain and how it leaves virtually everyone vulnerable to food addiction and binging.


Module 8 ““ Let’s Get Practical ““ Tips, Tricks and Substitutes and ConsolidationWhat is Real Food? Never restrict or deprive again. Eat what you love, love what you eat. Learn all about the realities and myths of trendy and ‘super’ foods as well as how to prepare them.


Consolidation and Continuity – Anchor core learnings from the program to ensure continued growth as you move forth with your relationship to food.