• Is your child struggling in school and you have no idea how to help them?
  • Do you suspect that diet, nutritional deficiencies or food sensitivities could play a role?
  • Know your kid is smart but poor focus or behaviour is blocking them from success?
  • Are you a homeschooling parent, who is overwhelmed with the curriculum and where to start?
  • Does your child lack study skills or panics when he or she writes a test?
  • Dedicated to help your child at home, but not sure where to start?
  • Desperate for solutions so that your child can be more successful in school and a happier kid?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you and your child can benefit from a crash course on how you can help to improve your child’s ability to better learn, focus and regulate their behaviour.

Not knowing where to start or starting in the wrong place creates ripples””in your child’s path to success.

Stop spinning your wheels and burning rubber! I can smell it from here! Determining where the learning or behaviour difficulties start and developing a plan to solve them is the first step in transforming your struggling child into a star student.

Imagine your child having:

  • Increased confidence and motivation
  • Improved learning skills and memory
  • Better focus, behaviour and emotional regulation
  • Study skills that work for your child’s learning style so they can achieve school success
  • Success and happiness both at school and at home
  • Positive notes home from school
  • A worry-free Mom who is more relaxed and has more quality time for herself and her kids


  • 1 nutritional and lifestyle assessment & consult (60 minutes)
  • 1 Screening for lower brain levels and 1 Reading Assessment (30 minutes)
  • 3 sessions (50 minutes each) of tutoring and brain exercises that helps to improve the way your child processes, retains information and develops. Sessions are designed to meet your child’s needs–working memory, study skills, reading comprehension, phonics, writing skills, essay writing, auditory processing, improved focus and attention are all areas that can be developed and improved.
  • Plan of Action for Mom & Child

Call today to transform your child into start student and a happier kid with your help!