Luka made little progress with his reading in the last year at school and schoolwork was a nightmare. Within four weeks of working with Lorraine, he was willing to do nightly reading as he was so impressed with how much better he was able to sound out letters, blend sounds and stopped reversing letters. His confidence soared and he was willing to try and read new multi-syllable words instead of becoming discouraged and shutting down when faced with a challenge. Before the program, he struggled to retain simple sight words that he had regular exposure to. He is now able to retain the words and understand what the story is about. He is proud to read out loud and is willing to read books that have 3-5 sentences per page. Luka is now reading at the same level as his peers.
– Samantha J.
Lorraine has been absolutely incredible to work with. She is so much more than an educational therapist or someone who ‘carries out a therapy’. She tailored the program and constantly made adjustments to what she saw our daughter needed. I felt so involved in the process as Lorraine went above and beyond by calling us on the weekend, coaching me on how to teach reading, taught me the sounds of French phonics (I’m an anglophone), re-assuring me when I was feeling hopeless with our daughter’s progress as well as providing tons of resources from books and even videos on how to do exercises. Olivia has made amazing progress in her reading–she is at the same reading level as her peers but more importantly–she loves reading now. I cannot say enough about both Lorraine’s expertise and her compassion and support.
– Trisha M