Tutoring & Beyond

Beyond Tutoring helps your child become a better learner and improve their reading, writing and language based-skills so they can feel confident and motivated in any situation”“and you can have peace of mind!

Individual tutoring sessions not only offer the opportunity for one-on-one learning, but I provide brain-training exercises to help strengthen areas of the brain that may not be functioning in an inter-connected way and may be contributing to difficulties in learning. This is why tutoring on its own is often not enough for children who struggle with learning and attention. Beyond Tutoring is an effective whole-brained approach that promotes changes within the brain for better learning, focus and attention.

To learn more or to set up a tutoring session, please contact Lorraine by email info@lorrainedriscoll.com or by phone 613-330-9254.

Lorraine helps students improve:

  • phonics and reading comprehension
  • writing and fine-motor
  • attention and memory
  • study skills and test prep

Services available in French or English.