Brain Integration Therapy – iLs for ADHD, Autism, Learning, Reading & Speech Delays

Improving Brain Function, cognitive processing, focus, reading, attention, writing, coordination, sleep and confidence. iLs programs effectively ‘re-trains’ parts of the brain involved in learning, communication and movement. Combining an auditory program with specific visual and balance activities, iLs strengthens neural pathways and improves our ability to learn and to process information.


iLs Programs directly affect our sensory systems, thereby influencing a broad spectrum of our day-to-day functions. iLs is most often used to improve the following:

-Learning challenges including reading, writing, attention, processing and cognitive function

-Developmental delays such as those found with Autism, Down syndrome and premature birth

-Rehab for mild brain injury, stroke and Parkinson’s

-Stress and sleep related problems

-Social engagement, auditory and tactile sensitivities

Focus & VoicePro Program Duration

The choice or combination of iLs programs varies according to the individual needs as well as the location of therapy. In a clinic setting, session lengths vary but are typically 30-60 minutes long, with a frequency of 3 or more times per week. Often, the clinic programs are augmented by home use to attain the suggested frequency.

Most programs, whether clinic, school or home, can be completed within a 3-4 month period; however, longer programs, or a second program are often recommended for those with learning or developmental delays.

The Process

iLs is a multisensory intervention that may be incorporated into an existing therapeutic program. The balance and visual exercises are completed while listening to iLs music. The movement portion comprises 15-20 minutes of each session or as otherwise designated by the therapist. The remaining time may be spent in a number of ways. Examples include drawing, puzzles, playing quiet games, fine motor activities, educational games or light exercise such as walking, stretching or tossing/kicking a ball.

Evidence-Based Therapy

iLs has trained over 9,000 professionals and as a result has a wealth of feedback and data on the effectiveness of the program with various populations. Third party research has been conducted in the following area and is available on the iLs website.

Learning and Attention: University research and case studies show strong results in the areas of reading, writing, auditory processing and sensory integration.

Autism: iLs is particularly effective in helping those on the autism spectrum with sensory processing, emotional regulation and social skills.

Trauma & Sleep: Both the iLs sound/movement program and the Dreampad product are supported by data showing results in the normalization of arousal levels, anxiety reduction and improved sleep.


Neuroplasticity is the name given to the concept that the brain is able to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. iLs is known as a neuroplasticity-based therapy because it uses specific and repeated exercises to build neural connections which, in turn, improve brain function. Our brains are plastic or changeable, throughout life; therefore, all ages can benefit.

iLs Focus

Works through sound and movement therapy which is customizable for individual needs, with air and bone conduction headphone system


Program for improving language skills, social communication, and auditory processing. Improves carry-over speech by integrating speech with functional movement.

Safe and Sound Protocol

Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. Reduces stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing resilience and social engagement.