Building Better Brains

Plantain Pancakes

2015 05 18 08 57 27 e1437309158587

2015 05 18 08 57 27 e1437309158587

Plantain pancakes are a great substitute to traditional pancakes because they are packed with protein rich eggs, and don’t cause blood sugar spikes because they are sugar-free.

They still have a sweetness from the plantain, but only contain the slow release carbohydrates from the plantain and coconut flour. 

Additionally, they are a good source of iron, zinc, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and A–among other nutrients. They are also gluten-free since they are made with coconut flour.

The only trick to cooking paleo pancakes is that they take longer to cook and the batter needs to have a fairly thick consistency.


  • 2 plantains
  • 7 eggs
  • 1/4 cup cashew or coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (or more if you prefer)
  • 3 tablespoons sunflower butter (or any seed or nut butter of your choice)
  • 1/2 cup  coconut flour


1. In a food processor blend all ingredients except coconut flour.
2. Next add the coconut flour and blend. If pancake mix seems too runny, add another tablespoon of coconut flour.
3. The batter for coconut flour pancakes needs to be thick enough, otherwise the batter won’t hold together. If you think your batter is too thick, simply add a bit more milk. Be careful not to add too much.
4. Turn stove element on at medium heat (4-5) and place pan over medium heat for a approximately 3 minutes.
5. Next turn stove element down to medium-low heat (4-5) and add either 2-3 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil to the pan. Once it is melted pour in a small amount of pancake batter–no more than 6-7 inches in diameter.
6. Cook pancake at medium-low heat (4-5) for about 7 minutes, then flip.
7. Add more butter or coconut oil to pan for next pancake and repeat cooking process.

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