Building Better Brains

CDC Removes Crawling as a Milestone and Why this Makes Me Want to Scream

Crawling 2

Last year the CDC removed a milestone from childhood development – which quite honestly makes me want to scream.

Crawling is a very key step in brain development.

You want your child to crawl.

This milestone is critical in developing the brain functions necessary for fluent reading, writing, focus, and emotional regulation.

Below are just a few things that crawling assists with:

  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Strength
  • Vestibular function/balance
  • Binocular vision
  • Bilateral coordination

Integration of the left and right brain hemispheres so that information travels easily from one side of the brain to the other.

A lot of kids with learning and behaviour difficulties have poor communication between the left and right brain hemispheres.

Crawling integrates the left and right sides of the brain and body (ears, eyes, arms, legs etc.)

Crawling is best done on hands and knees. Avoid walkers and saucers and encourage your child to do lots of crawling.

… and it is never too late!

If your child did not crawl – no need to stress.

I work with plenty of kids who skipped crawling.

The brain is super plastic and can change with the correct sensory-motor stimulation and exercises that simulate crawling.

These will produce the same effects on the brain as crawling.

If you’re wondering where to begin – have your child start crawling on the floor. Yes, this works!

Record how their crawl and note how their behaviour and cognition improve and evolve over the course of several weeks to months.

Curious to uncover what other gaps in development or imbalances might be factors that are contributing to your child’s poor learning and behaviour?

Grab my Advanced Brain Screening while it’s $197 instead of $497 to get a detailed understanding of the ROOT CAUSE of your child’s difficulties. Link in bio.

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