Building Better Brains

Apple Kale Salad with Beets

Apple and Kale Salad with Beets
Apple and Kale Salad with Beets

This salad is pretty straightforward. I threw it together one Sunday with the leftovers I had in my fridge. The ingredients are exactly as the title states. My beets were boiled earlier in the week and then stored in the fridge.

Some people can tolerate beets that are uncooked, however I cannot. If you have any problems with digestion I would always suggest lightly boiling, steaming or baking any starchy vegetables including broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower before  consuming.

As usual I drizzled a little bit of olive oil and lemon over my salad, but use any dressing you like.  Feel free to throw in some avocado for added fat. I also recommend sprinkling walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds or any seeds or nuts on your salad for added protein. Unfortunately, I cannot tolerate nuts and seeds unless they are a butter so you won’t see them on my salads.

*Also it is recommended that fruits should be eaten alone to prevent digestive upset particularly if you have any digestive issues. Consider substituting the apple with an alternate vegetable if necessary.

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