5 Fun Brain Training Exercises for Happy, Focused & Thriving Kids

An Educational Therapist's Guide to Getting Kids Laser Focused


Constant school & Homework battles?


Inside the Laser Focused Learner Starter Kit you will:


✔️  Receive brain changing movements that improve focus and concentration.


✔️  Discover how to maintain a calm nervous system that keeps kids out of fight-or-flight.


✔️  Find out about the cutting edge private school therapies that actually improve the brain’s ability to learn and focus.


✔️  Learn how the science of brain training creates new connections and optimizes focus and self-regulation of emotions.

This kit is incredible! I was skeptical that these movements could help my son’s meltdowns but they calmed him right down when he would get over-stimulated and he actually loved doing the movements together.”

– Julie, Vancouver, BC

Homework used to be a constant battle because my son had so much anxiety with reading. Now we do the movements before we start reading and he is so much calmer and focused – and gets his work done in half the time.”

– Dana, Columbus, Ohio

BuildingBetterBrains scaled

Hi there, I'm Lorraine Driscoll

I am Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Educational Therapist (and former teacher) and I hold a Masters of Science in Teaching.

I help frustrated moms address the root cause of their child’s learning and behaviour struggles so they can move beyond the limitations of medication, IEPs and endless tutoring and have confident, happier kids.

The best part is moms don’t have to spend hours on homework battles, figuring out what they are supposed to feed their kids or figuring everything out on their own.


5 Fun Brain Training Exercises for Happy, Focused & Thriving Kids

An Educational Therapist's Guide to Getting Kids Laser Focused

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