You know what I hated about teaching grade 7 & 8? Graduation. All the kids in their fancy outfits filled ...
Adam was like so many kids I work with. He felt angry, hopeless and stupid. He was thirteen and said ...
Have you ever been told by your child's doctor not to worry when your child skipped a milestone or didn't ...
When people try to convince me that nothing can be done for dyslexia or ADHD or even autism because brain ...
Have you noticed that when we make progress or an advancement with a discovery, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and ...
The ability to learn well, focus, concentrate and even have a positive mood is connected to posture more than you ...
When Brian and Kim met me about their son Josh they had very different opinions about why Josh was struggling ...
"He barely crawled.""She was an early walker.""He didn't crawl.""Her crawl was more of a shuffle."I hear this all the time ...
I get really excited when I do a screening on a child who is struggling and find that there are ...
You know what drives me bananas about how we address reading struggles? We have kids read more to try and ...
Seven years ago, I never would have imagined that my daughter's sensory processing issues, anxiety, general hypersensitivity, emotional immaturity, shyness, ...
Want to know if your child has poor vestibular function? Like right now? Read on to learn how you can ...