How Struggling Readers Read Differently than Typical Readers

How Does Reading Happen? Brain imaging research shows that poor readers have fewer reading brain circuits and in the wrong places. This makes reading laborious and too slow for good comprehension. Remedial reading alone will rarely fix this problem. A brain plasticity intervention like Cellfield is required. Beginner readers use the parieto-temporal of the brain…

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Is a Genetic Predisposition Causing a Deficiency in this Critical Brain Nutrient?

How Genetics and Essential Fatty Acids Come Together My last post on essential fatty acids (EFA’s) explained how a deficiency in EFA’s can have huge impacts on coordination, eye function and the brain’s ability to focus and learn. Dr. Jacqueline Stordy concludes in her book, The LCP Solution what numerous studies and researchers have also…

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How Sound Therapy Can Improve ADHD

ADHD is typically defined as a problem with inattentiveness, lack of concentration, hyper-activity, impulsivity or a combination thereof.  Most current strategies for addressing these symptoms are behavioral or pharmaceutical.  The behavioral approach is a good start but it relies on the cognitive processes of the cortex, our “thinking brain,” which are often ineffective when it…

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The Science and Research Behind Cellfield Reading Therapy

The process of reading involves the processing of visual, auditory, oral, and motor functions in the brain. These processes all occur in the sub-cortical areas of the brain involved in automatic functions. If these processing components are disturbed in their interrelatedness, it causes the brain to contemplate cognitively what the sub-cortical areas are not doing…

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